bank hybrids

Bank Hybrids to be phased out to ensure financial stability

What used to be a reliable source of income for investors will no longer be an option due to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) deeming them not risky enough. As a result, they have called time on bank hybrids.Bank hybrids were a product that were introduced in the early 90’s as a way for … Continued

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Superannuation is an element of our lives that runs in the background, unassuming, until we get to an age where we really have to consider how our super measures up come retirement time. If you’re super balance is on the right track, then you’re on your way to reach a comfortable retirement. Its important to … Continued

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Why You Need a Financial Planner & an Accountant

When a Financial Advisor and an Accountant collaborate, that means one thing: you benefit financially. Having a financial planner and accountant on your team– together they can provide a complete picture for your personal or business. Both are interconnected in a way that they can deliver powerful strategies by having great combined discussions that will … Continued

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Downsize To Supersize Incentives For Retirees

Does it pay to downsize? Recently, two separate pieces of legislation were passed by the federal government, the combination of which is set to supersize the incentive for retirees to downsize their homes in 2023. One key change is lowering the eligible ages for making a superannuation downsizer contribution from 60 to 55 from the … Continued

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What Costs Are Associated With Aged Care?

Often Aged Care can be a complex and daunting process for any family to face. Not only is it emotionally tough, but financially it can be confusing. The costs and fees associated with Aged Care come in all shapes and sizes and choosing the right option comes down to budget, personal preferences and needs. The … Continued

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What is Debt Recycling?

Wanting to pay off your home loan quicker? Debt Recycling might be a new way to reduce the amount you owe while building up long-term wealth. The process is straight forward: you take the equity that you have in your property (which is the difference between the value of your home and how much you … Continued

superannuation changes

New Super Opportunities from 1 July 2022

As 30 June fast approaches, the focus usually shifts towards ensuring strategies relating to managing taxation outcomes and superannuation are implemented before the end of financial year arrives. However, it is also important to look ahead, with some superannuation contribution rules changing from 1 July 2022. These changes could create new opportunities which may benefit … Continued

budget 2022-23

2022-23 Federal Budget Review

Following is a recap of the announcements delivered by Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, in the 2022-23 Federal Budget on Tuesday 29 March 2022. Updates include personal tax changes, changes affecting business taxpayers, and changes to superannuation. 1. Personal tax changes 1.1 Increase to low and middle income tax offset (‘LMITO’) The Government has announced a once-off $420 ‘cost … Continued

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3 Steps to Mastering Your Retirement

Are you approaching retirement? Chances are the funding of your lifestyle in retirement may be on your mind. It’s important to take steps now to avoid getting caught short on retirement income and live the retirement lifestyle you want. The qualifying age is increasing by six months every two years until it reaches 67 in … Continued

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4 Key Factors Impacting Your Insurance Premium

Ever wondered how insurers work out the cost of your life insurance? There are many factors that can impact the premium you pay, but there are 4 factors, in particular, you need to be aware of. Your personal risks Dangerous occupations can attract a higher base rate for your insurance, even before any loadings are … Continued

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Is Super Worth the Hype?

As Financial Advisers we talk about superannuation a lot. So much so that it probably becomes a fuzzy word people don’t even hear anymore. And the younger you are, the less interested you probably are. But superannuation is super important. It is likely to be the biggest investment you will have in your lifetime, unless … Continued

managing household finances image

Five Tips for Looking After Your Household’s Finances

Take the pain out of managing your family’s finances with some simple tips every family can use. Taking care of household finances can be time consuming and boring – and often people don’t know where to start. Your local library may have some good resources if you want to do your own research, but these … Continued

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Four Ways to Teach Children Healthy Money Habits

Set a good example for your children with just a few simple changes As a parent, you try to ensure your children have the skills to make smart financial decisions. For example, you tell them about the importance of saving or the power of compound interest. But did you know that you could be sending … Continued


Why There’s More to Life Insurance Than Just Money.

Your Policy Schedule shows you the amount of money you’d be eligible to receive if you make a claim. But what it doesn’t show you is the extra support that may be available to you at claim time. For example, some policies offer additional benefits and services that you may be able to access, which … Continued

2021 federal budget review

The 2021-22 Federal Budget: Highlights and Key Measures

Our expert analysis and review of the latest Federal Budget. If you missed our recent Federal Budget 2021-22 Review Webinar, please click here to access it. We recently teamed up with Judge Accountants to discuss the key measures recently announced in the 2021-22 Federal Budget. In this article, we will cover off on the following topics: SuperannuationTaxationSocial … Continued

Home And Keys

The Power of Regular Investing

One of the world’s most admired investors, Warren Buffett, is famous for saying “Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.” While this approach may not always be possible, investing even just a small amount regularly can make a big difference over the long term. If you are accumulating wealth… … Continued

Outdoor Cafe B&w

Developing Better Money Habits

The cost of goods and services will always be on the rise The increasing cost of goods and services is a reality most Australians have to deal with. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that living expenses for employee households were up by 1.1% from March 2020, compared to March 20191. This may … Continued


Market Wrap September 2020

Risk asset Strength continued Global shares rose 6.2% and 3.5% in hedged and unhedged terms, respectively. Global equities continue to be led by the US market with Tech stocks the leaders as the tech-heavy Nasdaq Index rose by 9.6% in USD terms.Emerging markets fell -0.9% during August in Australian Dollar (AUD) terms. One driver was … Continued

Child Behind Balloons

Helping Your Children Form Healthy Money Habits

A few healthy habits could set your children up for a more financially secure future. Research shows that parents’ actions affect their children’s behaviour and the effects can last into adulthood.[1] This puts the onus on parents to help their children develop the skills and behaviours to make smart financial decisions – from learning about … Continued