Woman pondering financial investments with a book.

Is Super Worth the Hype?

As Financial Advisers we talk about superannuation a lot. So much so that it probably becomes a fuzzy word people don’t even hear anymore. And the younger you are, the less interested you probably are. But superannuation is super important. It is likely to be the biggest investment you will have in your lifetime, unless … Continued

Woman working on household finances

Five Tips for Looking After Your Household’s Finances

Take the pain out of managing your family’s finances with some simple tips every family can use. Taking care of household finances can be time consuming and boring – and often people don’t know where to start. Your local library may have some good resources if you want to do your own research, but these … Continued

Family saving money in a piggy bank.

Four Ways to Teach Children Healthy Money Habits

Set a good example for your children with just a few simple changes As a parent, you try to ensure your children have the skills to make smart financial decisions. For example, you tell them about the importance of saving or the power of compound interest. But did you know that you could be sending … Continued