Person saving coins in piggy bank & writing notes


Superannuation is an element of our lives that runs in the background, unassuming, until we get to an age where we really have to consider how our super measures up come retirement time. If you’re super balance is on the right track, then you’re on your way to reach a comfortable retirement. Its important to … Continued

Illustration of Superannuation Downsizer Incentive.

Downsize To Supersize Incentives For Retirees

Does it pay to downsize? Recently, two separate pieces of legislation were passed by the federal government, the combination of which is set to supersize the incentive for retirees to downsize their homes in 2023. One key change is lowering the eligible ages for making a superannuation downsizer contribution from 60 to 55 from the … Continued

Illustration of new superannuation opportunities

New Super Opportunities from 1 July 2022

As 30 June fast approaches, the focus usually shifts towards ensuring strategies relating to managing taxation outcomes and superannuation are implemented before the end of financial year arrives. However, it is also important to look ahead, with some superannuation contribution rules changing from 1 July 2022. These changes could create new opportunities which may benefit … Continued

Woman pondering financial investments with a book.

Is Super Worth the Hype?

As Financial Advisers we talk about superannuation a lot. So much so that it probably becomes a fuzzy word people don’t even hear anymore. And the younger you are, the less interested you probably are. But superannuation is super important. It is likely to be the biggest investment you will have in your lifetime, unless … Continued